
UPDATE: Guards who attempted to shoot Minister Nyamutoro arrested

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Kisoro, (UG):- The Private security guards manning a mining site of National Cement Co Ltd in Kisoro District have been disarmed and arrested after allegedly attempting to open gunfire at Uganda’s Minister of State for Minerals, Hon Phionah Nyamutoro.

Hon Nyamutoro, who has been in office for less than three months has today morning visited the company’s mining site for an inspection over an alleged illegal mining activity when she narrowly escaped an assassination attempt from the armed guards.

The incident, which was captured on camera and shared widely on social media has sparked widespread outrage and calls for a comprehensive investigation.

Eyewitnesses who watched the scuffle as it unfolded say the Minister and her team approached the site for the inspection, but the armed security guards affiliated with the company allegedly received orders to fire shots at the group.

Quick-thinking bodyguards accompanying the minister disarmed the security personnel and arrested them, preventing any injuries.

“The bullets were in the chamber; they got commands from their bosses to shoot at us. We are on duty. This is laughable. Actually, the directors of this mining company should be the ones arrested,” Minister Nyamutoro stated in a press briefing following the incident.

Local authorities responded swiftly to ensure the minister’s safety and began a thorough investigation into both the attack and the company’s activities.

This incident has intensified scrutiny on the National Cement Company, which has faced accusations of illegal mining practices that harm the environment and the local community.

Hon. Nyamutoro’s visit to the mining site was part of her ongoing efforts to enforce legal and environmental standards within Uganda’s mining sector. The violent response from the company’s security guards has underscored the urgent need for increased oversight and accountability in the industry.

In light of the attack, Hon. Nyamutoro has called for an immediate suspension of all mining activities by the National Cement Company until a full investigation is conducted. She urged the government to take decisive action against those responsible for the attack and to ensure compliance with mining regulations across the country.

The police have launched an investigation into the shooting, focusing on the actions of the private security guards and the directives they received from their superiors. Authorities are also examining the broader implications of the incident for the security of public officials and the enforcement of mining laws in Uganda.

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