
Kisubi Seminary seeks Shs 2.5bn to construct the founder’s memorial building

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Kisubi Seminary is on course to complete a Shs 2.5 billion Cabana Platinum memorial building in remembrance of the seminary’s founder.

This was realized on June 9 during the celebration of 73 years since the seminary was started by the late Archbishop Joseph Cabana in 1951. During the event that was attended by Rt Rev Paul Ssemogerere, the archbishop of Kampala and main celebrant, he officially opened the seminary’s tennis court and planted a memorial tree as he launched the celebrations of the platinum jubilee due in 2026.

The archbishop pledged to contribute Shs 100 million towards the construction of the seminary’s memorial building. He also thanked the parents for the tremendous work they do to ensure that they raise morally upright children in a generation where everything has gone wrong and beseeched them to continue being good examples for children.

“The seminary can’t do all the work; parents ought to be good examples,” he said.
“The seminary has produced a number of important people in the country, ranging from businessmen to politicians to religious leaders, among others.

As we celebrate the national hero’s day, I thank everyone for working hard to see that the seminary reaches this glory.”

Several speakers chronicled the seminary’s 73-year journey and thanked the stakeholders for working together for the success of the seminary. Fr Francis Ssengendo, the seminary rector, said during the construction of the seminary, Archbishop Cabana thought that it would host around 150 seminarians, but now it has more than 400, hence the need for expansion.

“It is important that we expand because, genuinely, the number has risen and genuine vocations to the priesthood have increased. That is why we are building the Cabana Platinum memorial building,” he said.

When completed, the building will have more dormitory space for about 200 students, four classrooms, a computer lab and a library. He said the construction is almost halfway done, and in the next two years, the building is likely to be done.

Fr Ssengendo further emphasized the historical significance of the seminary’s platinum jubilee, highlighting its longstanding contributions to the moral growth of society and training young people in moral principles and discipline.

“We invite all stakeholders; students, parents, Christia

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