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Marine Le Pen’s party secured a significant victory in the French elections, capturing 34% of the vote. This outcome prompted President Emmanuel Macron to call for a snap election.

In Belgium, the political landscape shifted dramatically as Prime Minister Alexander De Croo stepped down following a surge in support for the right-wing parties.

Italy saw a triumph for the right, with Giorgia Meloni’s party poised to secure the majority of seats in the Italian parliament.

Germany’s political scene experienced a shakeup as the ruling coalition was overtaken by the conservative parties, while the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party surged to a strong second place.

Ireland witnessed a notable shift towards anti-immigration sentiment, with several candidates advocating stricter immigration policies winning seats.

The Netherlands also saw a significant political change, with Geert Wilders’ party gaining considerable ground and becoming the second-largest party in the Dutch parliament.

In Austria, the right-wing Freedom Party (FPÖ) made substantial gains, doubling their seat count and emerging as the largest party.

Spain’s political landscape was also affected by the rise of the right-wing Vox party, which secured around 10% of the votes and became the third largest party in the Spanish parliament.

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