
Ntoroko District Leaders Call for Government Assistance in Resettling Flood Victims

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  • Ntoroko District leaders appeal for government assistance to acquire land for permanent resettlement of flood victims, highlighting ongoing challenges and the need for infrastructure development and support for affected communities.

NTOROKO,  Local leaders in Ntoroko District are urging the government to acquire land for flood victims to establish permanent settlements, addressing the dire conditions in resettlement camps where productivity is hindered. The call comes in the wake of devastating floods triggered by rising water levels of Lake Albert, inundating communities and displacing numerous families.

Friday Mugisa, the Chairperson of Kanara Sub-County, emphasized the urgent need for permanent resettlement solutions, particularly for vulnerable communities severely impacted by the floods. He highlighted the ongoing suffering of affected individuals living in camps and waterlogged areas, urging swift government intervention.

Speaking at a belated International Women’s Day celebration, Mugisa underscored the importance of rebuilding essential infrastructure, including bridges and roads, that were destroyed by the floods. He also emphasized the need for modernized health facilities and regulation of marine enforcement teams on the lake to support the predominantly fishing community.

Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja, represented by Lands Minister Judith Nabakooba, reiterated the government’s commitment to addressing the challenges posed by floods in Ntoroko District. She assured residents of continued relief efforts while encouraging proactive measures to mitigate the effects of climate change.

Nabbanja urged women to engage with government programs aimed at promoting gender equality and economic empowerment, emphasizing their role in fostering sustainable development. She highlighted initiatives such as the Parish Development Model and poverty alleviation interventions designed to uplift women economically.

 The Minister ,In response to community concerns, Minister Nabakooba pledged government support in acquiring land for permanent settlement, provided suitable land is identified. She emphasized the importance of verifying land availability and promised to facilitate the process of land acquisition through collaboration with relevant authorities.

Anne Mary Tumwine, the District Woman Member of Parliament, expressed gratitude for government support in establishing a health center in Kanara but highlighted challenges such as inadequate equipment and water access. She appealed for additional resources to address these critical gaps and improve healthcare delivery.

Gerald Rwemulikya, Ntoroko County MP, echoed calls for infrastructure development and emphasized the need for affirmative action in providing essential services. He advocated for improved fishing guidelines and access to fishing gear to support local fishers’ livelihoods.

Mercy Betty Tembe, Chairperson of the Ntoroko Women’s Council, called for special grants to address ongoing challenges faced by the community, particularly women impacted by fishing gear confiscations during enforcement crackdowns. She emphasized the need for support to restore livelihoods and alleviate poverty.

Ntoroko District continues to grapple with the aftermath of devastating floods since 2019, highlighting the urgent need for sustainable solutions to address recurring disasters. The community remains resilient, but concerted efforts from the government and stakeholders are essential to rebuild infrastructure, enhance livelihoods, and ensure long-term resilience.

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