
SOUTH AFRICA: HE Uhuru Kenyatta addresses the Media after the General Elections in SA

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His Excellency President (Rtd) Uhuru Kenyatta, today addressed the media during a press briefing by Heads of Mission in Johannesburg, South Africa as the General Elections come to a close.

SOUTH AFRICA, May 31, 2024: His Excellency President (Rtd) Uhuru Kenyatta, today addressed the media during a press briefing by Heads of Mission in Johannesburg, offering crucial insights and recommendations for South Africa’s electoral process. As head of the African Union Election Observation Mission (AUEOM), Kenyatta emphasized the need for enhancing electoral integrity and efficiency.

The mission highlighted several areas for improvement by the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC). One key area is enhancing the reliability of the Voter Management Device (VMD) to streamline voter verification and eliminate delays observed in recent elections. This technical upgrade is essential for ensuring timely and efficient voting procedures.

Additionally, the mission recommended strengthening logistical operations to prevent the late arrival of essential materials on election day. Ensuring the timely delivery of these materials is vital for maintaining the flow of the electoral process and preventing disruptions that could undermine the democratic experience.

Given the introduction of a third ballot and the increased number of registered voters, the mission also urged the IEC to increase the number of voting stations. More voting stations would facilitate efficient voter processing, reduce wait times, and ensure that every South African can exercise their democratic right without unnecessary delays.

A notable recommendation from the mission was for political parties to actively support and promote female candidates. Ensuring equitable representation in candidates’ lists and leadership positions is crucial for fostering a more inclusive political environment. This commitment to gender equity reflects broader democratic values and social justice.

Kenyatta stressed the significance of the 2024 elections for South Africa’s democratic future and political stability. “Overall, our mission notes that the 2024 elections were pivotal for the country’s democratic future and have implications for political stability within South Africa and the sub-region as well as Africa as a whole. South Africans freely exercised their constitutional right to vote and voted peacefully,” he stated.

He also emphasized the importance of addressing any electoral grievances through established dispute mechanisms, ensuring concerns are resolved within the framework of the law, thereby maintaining the integrity of the electoral process.

The briefing in Johannesburg reflects a comprehensive effort to support and enhance South Africa’s democratic process. By addressing technical, logistical, and representational challenges, the mission’s recommendations provide a roadmap for more efficient and equitable elections, reinforcing the democratic foundations of the nation and the continent as a whole.

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