
 Kisaka  launches Dr. Watiti Stephen’s Book titled Ageing Gracefully with HIV with the call to Ugandans to document their own Stories.

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Dr. Watiti Stephen delivering his remarks during the launch.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.

Watiti’s resilience lauded

Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) executive director, Dorothy Kisaka, while presiding over the book launch, commended Watiti for being brave, courageous, and authentic and being the minister of the truth in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

“Watiti is very strong and I am the one who authored his will when he was not expecting to even live to age gracefully.

“Those who were the executors of his will died but he did not lose hope in life. He deeply cared about his last-born daughter, Deborah Watiti whom he wanted to see living, marrying and even getting children while he battled HIV,” she said.

Remarks by Dr. Yvonne E.M Karamagi – Executive Director – Mildmay Uganda delivered by Dr.Barbara Mukasa.

KAMPALA – Dr Stephen Watiti has always been a man of great strength and determination.

He dedicated his life to helping others, first as a doctor and then as a researcher, seeking a cure for the HIV/AIDS pandemic that had ravaged his community for decades.

But despite his tireless efforts, Watiti has faced a fierce enemy in the virus. For over thirty years, he has battled HIV, fighting not just the disease itself, but also the stigma and discrimination that came with it.

Dr. Stephen Watiti, who authored the book Ageing Gracefully with HIV that was launched on Saturday at the Office of the President Auditorium in Kampala.

Dr. Watiti Stephen and his wife shortly after receiving flowers  from KCCA Executive Director Mrs.Kisaka Dorothy shortly before the book launch.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.

KCCA Executive Director Mrs.Kisaka Dorothy  signs on  one of the books shortly after  the  launch.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.

KCCA Executive Director Mrs.Kisaka Dorothy  joins Dr. Watiti Stephen,his wife  and other guests  shortly after the official launch.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.

KCCA Executive Director Mrs.Kisaka Dorothy  joins Dr. Watiti Stephen to launch his book .Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.

KCCA Executive Director Mrs.Kisaka Dorothy  joins Dr. Watiti Stephen to launch his book .Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.

The Under Secretary in the Office of the President Mr.Emmanuel Walani  signs on the launched book of  Dr. Watiti Stephen to launch his book .Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.

KCCA Executive Director Mrs.Kisaka Dorothy  being received by  Dr. Watiti Stephen  shortly before  the  launch of  his book .Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.

KCCA Executive Director Mrs.Kisaka Dorothy with Dr. Watiti Stephen and his daughter shortly after the launch of  his book .Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.

Watiti’s journey began when he was working as a young doctor in 1986 soon after getting married to his lovely wife Naomi Watiti. At the time, HIV/AIDS was still a relatively new disease, and there was little understanding of how it spread or how to treat it.

Dr Watiti saw first-hand the devastating impact the virus had on his community. Entire families were being wiped out, leaving behind orphaned children and destitute widows.

The stigma surrounding the disease was intense, and many people believed that HIV/AIDS was a curse from God, or that it was a punishment for immoral behaviour.

“As a result of losing hope, I became a born-again Christian and it instilled in me everlasting hope. I learnt that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose,” Watiti said, quoting Romans 8:28.

Speaking at the Office of the President Auditorium on Saturday, May 11, during the launch of his third book titled “Ageing Gracefully With HIV,” Watiti narrated how he started antiretrovirals (ARVs) after going down with Tuberculosis (TB), Kaposi’s sarcoma and cryptococcal meningitis at the same time.

“This was hell on earth for me but the quality of life has since improved and I believe that HIV though incurable can be manageable with the advent of ARVs and good social psychological support,” Watiti added.

Despite the challenges, Dr Watiti was determined to make a difference. He threw himself into his work, studying everything he could about the virus and its effects on the body.

“I worked tirelessly to educate my community about HIV/AIDS, dispelling myths and misconceptions, and doing my best to provide care and support to those affected by the disease.”

But Dr. Watiti’s efforts were not without challenges. He faced resistance from some community members, who believed that he was wasting his time and resources on a lost cause.

“Ever since I embarked on this fight, stigma and discrimination have been the biggest challenge of my life. I therefore challenge the young to engage this fight with humility and responsibility because I have managed to live three lives with it. I have turned 71 years since and I am now ageing gracefully with it,” he revealed.


Dr Watiti was born on May 11, 1953, and he became a born-again Christian in 1972 while studying in S.1 at Nabumali High School in Mbale district.

Ageing Gracefully with HIV is a deep and relevant meditation on navigating the terrain between thriving as a person living with HIV and boldly living true to oneself.

In his book, Watiti shares how his decision to live with his diagnosis openly has improved both his mental and physical health living a full life up to the age of 71.

Dr Watiti is a renowned clinician, counsellor, writer and public speaker on HIV/AIDS and public health.

Today is most definitely a big milestone for the fight against HIV in this country and the world, even as it is so obviously a great a day for you Stephen.

Stephen a very, very heart congratulations to you from all us in the HIV family, from Mildmay Uganda specifically – your friends, colleagues, admirers, mentees, etc… that stretch far out from your care home in Lweza since August 2004 to date (20 years!!!) with tentacles in TASO, JCRC, IDI, and all the other IPs. Aaagh 20 years already —we are so proud to have met, cared for and worked with such an incredible character.


I wondered what I would say today – My heart is so full of my personal experience with you over these 20 years and then I thought , because it is a privilege to speak on behalf of the others, I should be  careful to carry all their messages and not just mine.


We really wanted this to be special and so I asked everyone to describe you and the impact of you, on them, and I have collected all these thoughts,…… using my lessons in precis, I have tried to collate, paraphrase, and contextualise their words  to present to you in my speech.


Team you may hear verbatim some of your messages but because of time, where I found similarities in language, expression, or content, I compressed them, so we do not spend 4 days here. I will acknowledge the quotes but not with names for now —



I quote —Dr Watiti, meeting you, hearing you share your personal life story, demystifying HIV through humor was my most profound experience.


I quote – Stephen — your humour has been and remains one of the things we most love about you.

It is an asset you that have used at every opportunity to bring lightness to an otherwise  very sombre conversation on HIV.

Laced with wisdom and creativity you had the capacity to turn any staff meeting into a conversation about HIV testing, treatment, and support for staff *** In a meeting where people are asking for a change in the salary and benefits package – and you creatively joked about your double dip experience into Mildmay benefits package first as a patient and then as a staff. And encouraged us all to know our status —-

You are a star!


I quote – “Dr. Watiti, every time you stand to speak or am reading your books, I expect learning, encouragement, and laughter”.  We are looking forward to all of this when we buy your book today.


Quote – Dr. Watiti, your faith has been unwavering through life’s challenges, giving hope to many at the verge of death; you have and continue to impact lives. It is said that God gives his difficult battles to the strongest. In the Bible this was Jobs case, in our day this was your case. Your life inspires me to be what I must be and live to my full potential because you have surely lived that way.


Quote –  Dr Watiti, May the LORD God whom you believe and publicly profess, bless you immensely and use you to touch more souls across the globe. You are a true advocate.


Quote – Dr. Watiti, you are an example of living life in all its fullness. This was the vision of Mildmay Uganda when it started way back in 1998  when death was inevitable to  all with an HIV diagnosis. The work then, was about adding dignity to the days left for the client…..there were no  ARVs but see what the Lord has done with you and with others through you. It is indeed Halleluyah!


Quote – Dr Watiti, we are very proud of you. Knowing you and seeing you swim against the tide is a demonstration of God’s unwavering love towards mankind. You have done well in extending that love to people around you. God richly bless you in the days ahead.


Quote – Dr. Watiti, your tireless efforts and dedication to the fight against HIV/AIDS have made a profound impact on countless lives in Uganda and around the world. Your selflessness, expertise, and passion have helped to raise awareness, reduce stigma, and improve treatment access for those affected by this disease.


Dr. Watiti what can we say !!! You have gone all the way to fight stigma, programming today is big on customer-focused care experiences. But you were practicing this long before we were using the term – your creativity with your car clinics ––—- to bleed clients who were too scared to come in to the clinics and deliver their ARVS in homes and offices —is a stellar!

You are a HERO, you eventually won many of them over—the testimonies are many.


Quote – Dr Watiti, It is fair for  us to say –  Your singular contribution has been pivotal in driving progress toward an HIV-free future. Please accept our heartfelt congratulations.


Stigma is a hindrance to access to testing, stigma affects ability to stay in care after testing.

You are not a typical Organisation like any of the IPs, with walls and structure and perhaps this lack of boundaries has been your greatest asset. And you have used it well. The impact of your work if we tried, could not be measured with indicators, tools and targets – for you each on client counted and today the numbers in care attributed to you are lined within the numbers at Mildmay Uganda, at IDI, at JCRC, at TASO…. and together we celebrate you.  Your contribution is well recognised


Quote – Dr. Watiti, Uganda is proud of YOU, You are the true definition, i repeat of a hero!


Quote – It takes humility to accept certain realities – even ugly realities. It takes kindness, courage, and determination to use your story over the years to save millions from coming down the same road. It is said life does not stop teaching and you have continued to share your journey with us, allowing the world to get into the most sacred of your spaces and we are excited to be standing in this time with you as you unveil this next season for us all. We cannot wait —-


Friends, we must not take it for granted, this was and is not an ordinary story. Many individuals’ stories with HIV, are not shared — Thank you for teaching, may God give us the grace to learn.


You are a remarkable person, Dr. Watiti; very down to earth in nature, you connect easily with people at all levels. And many have asked severally  – Oba akikola atya?? Reading the messages from your colleagues I think I know the answer,… it can only be the Holy Spirit at work in you.

And this is what they said


I quote—– and the incorporation of a spiritual touch in his work , serves as a great inspiration to those around him”.

Staying motivated while living with HIV is a daily struggle. By living the way you have Stephen, our conclusion is that you must derive your energies from Christ…

And another said –this is true He was my spiritual mentor in Nabumali  —–His walk of faith is real.

Another —–I love his friendship with Christ..he openly professes it —I have never forgotten when he said to us I live everyday as if its my last day but also as if I still have a hundred years of life ahead to serve, this makes me ensure I never leave home without putting things right with my wife, I never want to regret when I can’t make it up to her anymore in case I can’t make it back home anymore”


Today we are here to share your experience —ageing with HIV. And these are the voices from the desk of the Young PLHIV at Mildmay Uganda –


Dr. Watiti, you are great inspiration to the adolescents living with HIV. We now believe we  can age gracefully.”Our greatest weaknesses lies in giving up”. You have encouraged us to step up and love our positive life.

The young people always ask, ” Will I grow as old as Dr. Watiti?”, and the answer we give them always is *YES*.


Dear Dr. Watiti, you are amazing, your story has not only benefited your home country. You have inspired many in the African region and beyond through your active participation in regional and international spaces. Keep it up! We are following.


Dr. Watiti, Your humility humbles me! I have seen God love man through you

You are a pillar of hope in this fight against HIV, You are that light at the end of the tunnel

You stand tall next to men like Mandela. In you, is the fight for freedom , peace, love and hope 🫂

Dr. Watiti, you are great Teacher, a Counselor a Mentor, role Model and Parent!

Your active engagement with the students at the Mildmay Institute of Health Sciences has not gone unnoticed – ‘Thank you for the for the encouragement you give us that has made us great educationists in HIV management! Keep going – Eyalama noi noi..


Dr. Watiti — these are some of the voices from your colleagues in the Clinics.  Dr Watiti is the one that sharpened my skills in managing very complex Cases…I am glad that together we did put a smile on so many patient faces and they live to testify.


Stephen, you have made Masaba land proud! — you probably know where that is coming from stephen——, You have displayed that that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.

You have inspired and impacted many lives through your books and the articles in the media. Thank you for your contribution to managing the HIV epidemic. May God continue to keep you and your family well.


Dr Watiti you stand at  the top as a ‘dad of hope’ among those who are almost giving up.


Dr. Watiti, you have broken all the rules in the book to save human life, you have sacrificed your own life to give hope to the hopeless and you have opened your own life to give courage to the desperate ones. Thank you.

Dr. Watiti, you are brave. Probably one of the bravest people I’ve ever come across.

Thank you for creating a wonderful environment for PLHIV.


Quote —Back then (2007), when I had just joined MU, I always feared picking those ‘thick’ files for older patients in the adult clinic. These patients usually had many social problems. I knew, as a fresh doctor, I was very incapable of handling them ( with my very little experience). In those moments, I would quickly walk to Dr. Watiti’s office and gently place the file on his table. He always accepted and graciously saw those patients who usually came out of his office happier than they would have been if I had seen them. He had all the time and experience to sort their clinical, social and faith-based problems. Thank you so much, Papa. You made my early clinical years very easy. And your presence during the morning chapel blessed us all. May God continue to bless you and your family.


I love this saying from Eleanor Roosevelt  ‘Today is the oldest you have ever been, and the youngest you will ever be again’-


Stephen , you are happy, creative, you are an inspiration – you cared less about what people expected of you and focused your time and energy on what you knew needed to be done!


You coveted influence rather than power. Even at the height of your influence you have remained steadfast in your acknowledgment of Gods help on this journey. For that He has satisfied you with long life. Happy Celebrations on this grand achievement.


Quote – Dr. Watiti, you are gifted :spiritually, socially, academically, and professionally.

This celebration is testament that God did not only grant King Solomon wisdom, but he does to  whoever remains faithful and steadfast.


Eh Stephen,—you are standing with great men – first I heard Mandela, now King Solomon — I bow——

Friends I hope I have done your messages to Stephen good justice—and now allow me to add  …here a little of my own experience.


In the cycle that hired Stephen as Clinic Manager at Mildmay Uganda, I too was hired as a fulltime Medical Officer in the Clinic. Before that, I had been a sessional doctor coming in only two days a week. I worked at a Private Hospital before coming to Mildmay Uganda and usually I love structure and systems—–Stephen was clinic manager, and therefore my BOSS. But i just could not understand why he would break all the ‘rules’ in QUOTES — to reach that one patient.

In those early days for example we used to make rules like if you missed your appointment, with no communication when you came in we would give you a few tablets and give you the next available appointment date……Believe it or not –YES we used to make such rules— supposedly to manage the clinic numbers (600 and more clients per day). These clients would call Stephen on the side, and they would come straight to his room, he would listen to them, he would understand them and give them their drugs ….He used his heart and not just his head and was consistent. It looked like there was the system and then there was Watiti—-and sometimes that was very frustrating.


I recall a specific  incident where I vehemently brought up the issues  of the need to ‘teach clients to adhere to their appointments’ as a critical factor to managing the exponential numbers. Stephen looked at this young, passionate but also very inexperienced doctor — watching the systems and not necessarily the clients. In his wisdom, he gave me a new appointment – Medical Officer in-Charge of Quality. It was a new title, it only applied to the Clinic and not the organisational structure but this recognition of my passion from my Manager quickly got me got me in line to sit at this feet as Clinic Manager and soon I  learned that Quality must be as perceived by the client and not just the provider. Stephen I haven’t told you this story before but that was a turning point in my carrier – and you have been teaching us at Mildmay since then to listen and follow our clients rather than just manage our clinics.

Stephen served as Clinic Manager till January 2008

In recognition of the critical need to bridge the gap between medicine and spirituality in the context of HIV , he was  appointed FBO coordinator for 2 years till September 2010 and after that, Advocacy and PR Manager till January 2013. Our systems at Mildmay Uganda have learned a lot from you Stephen. Stephen has continued in care at Mildmay even after his staff contract ended. He remains a very active member of the team.


When we started and elderly HIV clinic so many years ago, he led it at the time this was app.  11% of the client population. This proportion grows as the impact of an effective eMTCT program becomes more manifest. Less children born with HIV but still no cure in the face of life-preserving ART, therefore more people ageing with HIV.


The relevance of your book, your testimony, cannot be underscored. You cheated death and now you have beaten the world at life.


Dr Karamagi the ED of Mildmay Uganda was not able to be here today.


But this is her message. Dr. Watiti you are a testament of many great milestones.

A modern-day hero, mentor, an author, doctor, a comedian!!, a father, a husband, a grandpa!! The list goes on.

Mildmay Uganda and all the IPs who have been privileged to work with you or have benefitted from the impact of your work, are proud to be associated with you.

We share in the joy and journey of your achievements and soldier on with you.


We hope that the people who read this book will be inspired and spurred to beat the odds no matter what!! Because that’s what you do.


And lastly Stephen a friend of yours said this about you.

You are Authentic, and a son of encouragement!

I add, may it be counted  to you as righteousness.


God promised and He has established the work of your hands!




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