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URA Managing Director Mr. Rujoki Musinguzi is seen with the Assistant Commissioner incharge of Public Relations Ibrahim Bbosa leaving Parliament.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.
By Godfrey Kiyingi/KMA Updates.
The Shadow Minister for Trade also Jinja city woman MP Manjeri Kyebakutika has called for immediate suspension of the Electronic Fiscal Receipting and Invoicing Solution- EFRIS that has recently resulted into demonstrations by the business community across the country.
URA Managing Director Mr. Rujoki Musinguzi (R)Â Â is seen with the newly appointed State Minister of Trade Gen.Wilson Mbadi attending the two Committees.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.
URA Managing Director Mr. Rujoki Musinguzi (L)  is seen attending the two Committees.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.
Senior Minister of Finance and Economic Development Matia Kasaijja explaining a point while attending the two Committees.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.
Senior Minister of Finance and Economic Development Matia Kasaijja explaining a point while attending the two Committees.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.
URA Managing Director Mr. Rujoki Musinguzi (R)Â Â is seen with the newly appointed State Minister of Trade Gen.Wilson Mbadi attending the two Committees.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.
The two Committees of Trade and Finance met with the Ministry of Trade and Finance officials led by Minister Matia Kasaijja, the one incharge Of State Gen. Wilson Mbadi and the Uganda Revenue Authority Commissioner General John Musinguzi together with the business community were represented by members of the Kampala City Traders Associations (KACITA).
The MPs say that the traders have clue about the systems of EFRIS which is leading to collapse of their businesses.
Manjeri Kyebakutika  noted that the business community should be sensitized about the system to appreciate it before enforcement.
She suggested that Uganda Revenue Authority should come up with a one-time tax for the business community instead of a number of them charging Value Added Tax at different levels.
Referring to the huge public debt that has affected the National Resource envelope, Paul Omara said Uganda can only finance its budget by 50%-58% due to a huge challenge of raising sufficient domestic revenues to fund the national priorities.
It is against this background that Omara re-echoed the need to widen the tax base to ensure that every Ugandan pays their fair share of tax which will subsequently reduce the tax burden on a few compliant Ugandans.
Paul Omara says whereas the EFRIS system is here to stay and purposely to improve tax compliance and transparency, the traders have genuine concerns which parliament and the relevant ministries should find solutions to.