
Source of the Nile tourism soars past pre-pandemic levels

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 Visitor arrivals to the Source of the Nile have experienced a remarkable resurgence, signaling a speedy recovery in tourism activity following the challenges imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The latest data reveals a significant uptick in both domestic and foreign visitors, surpassing pre-pandemic levels and underlining renewed interest in exploring this iconic landmark.

In 2020, the onset of the pandemic led to a sharp decline in visitor numbers, with only 28,128 individuals venturing to the Source of the Nile.

However, as travel restrictions eased in subsequent years, visitor entries began to rebound, reaching 48,316 in 2021 and surging to 138,655 in 2022.

The momentum continued in 2023, with visitor entries soaring to an impressive 190,330, representing a remarkable recovery and surpassing pre-pandemic levels by 21 percent.

Domestic visitors played a key role in driving this resurgence, with their numbers rising by 37.5 percent from 129,141 in 2020 to 177,508 in 2023.

Foreign entries also witnessed a notable increase, growing by 34.8 percent from 9,514 in 2022 to 12,822 in 2023.

Although foreign visitors have not yet fully reached their pre-pandemic levels, their contribution to the overall visitor numbers highlights the continued appeal of the Source of the Nile as a global tourist destination.

Of particular significance is the fact that for every 10 visitors to the Source of the Nile in 2023, there was a domestic visitor, underlining the growing interest among Ugandans in exploring their own natural wonders.

With ongoing efforts to promote tourism and enhance visitor experiences, the Source of the Nile remains one of Uganda’s key adventure and exploration sites for travelers from near and far.

Source: Nile Post

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