
Govt revisiting law to accommodate new administrative units

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Hon. Abed Bwanika (NUP, Kimaanya-Kabonera Division) asks the Prime Minister about governance of new cities, during the sitting held on Thursday, 15 February 2024

Government is set to amend the Local Government Act Cap. 243 to streamline the provisions on the administration of local governments, the Prime Minister, Robinah Nabbanja, has revealed.

“The proposed amendment Bill for the Local Government Act Cap.243 has been prepared and will soon be submitted to cabinet for consideration and approval and then be brought here [Parliament] for approval,” said Nabbanja.

Nabbanja was responding to concerns raised by Hon. Abed Bwanika (NUP, Kimaanya-Kabonera Division) on the governance of new cities, during the sitting held on Thursday, 15 February 2024.

AUDIO: Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja

Bwanika noted that 10 cities that were operationalised on 01 July 2020 have been operating for the last three years without clear guidelines on asset sharing with the districts from which they were curved.

Section 188 of the Local Government Act instructs that at the creation of a new local government unit, the Minister shall ensure equitable sharing of property between the original and new governments.

Bwanika observed that the case-by-case ad hoc management of the matter has negatively impacted service delivery in the affected local governments.

The Prime Minister said that funding to finance the resettlement of 10 districts of Masaka, Mbarara, Kabarole, Hoima, Arua, Gulu, Lira, Mbale, Soroti and Jinja was requested for by the Ministry of Local Government under the current financial year. Funds were, however, not allocated.

“The matter has been presented to the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development for consideration in the next budget call circular for financial year 2024/2025,” said Nabbanja.

AUDIO: Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja

On gazettement of sub-counties hosting new districts headquarters, as town councils, the Prime Minister said the Ministry of Local Government has compiled necessary data from local governments that have already determined their new locations.

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