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My attention has been drawn to an ongoing smear campaign that was started by Daily Monitor ‘s photo journalist Lubowa Abubaker.

It all started when I was invited to attend the launch of ghetto youth by President Museveni at Kololo Independence grounds, and *Lubowa Abubaker* took pictures of me (walking with my bodyguard) and maliciously posted the same on Twitter while misleading the public that (in the said photos) I misused and disrespected my bodyguard by giving him my mineral water bottle to hold for me, which is a total lie and a malicious fabrication designed to undermine my name, image and reputation.
The truth is that, while walking with my bodyguard, one of my hands had a mineral water bottle, and another had 2 phones and a power bank. Hence both my hands were not free, and because I was sweating, I briefly gave the bodyguard the water bottle to hold for me as I retrieved my handkerchief from my pocket to wipe sweat from my face, after which the bodyguard handed the bottle back to me. That is the absolute truth, however the photojournalist, perhaps wishing to trend and have afew minutes of fame while riding on my back to mislead and misinform the public, shamelessly decided to tell lies about me, which I hereby rubbish and call upon all right thinking people to dismiss with the contempt they deserve.
I wish to point out that the media has the ability to turn the innocent into the devil and the devil into a saint, and unfortunately, unscrupulous and unethical journalists (such as Lubowa Abubaker) are abusing and misusing their clout and that is inappropriate and unacceptable.

For those who may not know, of all the principals I know, I’m the only one I know who never asks my body guard to carry my bag, the simple logic being, incase we are attacked, how will he defend me when his hands are occupied!?
Interestingly, hardly a day passes without me seeing body guards of principals in supermarkets and other public places holding their bags, files and shopping bags. Infact, there are bodyguards of female ministers I normally see carrying the bags of those female ministers in public places!
And if I may ask, if my shoe lace becomes loose when I am in public and I am holding any object, would it be an offence if I requested my bodyguard to hold it for me as I tie my shoe laces!? I am sure the photo journalist has my photos when I was holding the mineral water bottle, why doesn’t he release those photos!?
Frank M.Gashumba
Chairman Council For Abavandimwe