
MP Muwada Nkunyingi against the 71 man delegation sent by Uganda for the 78th UN General Assembly in New York

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 By Godfrey Kiyingi/KMA Updates

Kampala,Uganda:The Shadow Minister of Foreign Affairs also Kyadondo East MP Nkunyingi Muwada has protested against the wasteful public expenditure on a 71 person’s irreverent delegation sent by Uganda for the 78th UN General assembly in New York through Foreign Affairs Ministry.

   In a mysterious move this week, the Ugandan government sent 71 man delegation to the 78th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York, leading to confusion and raising questions about the purpose and cost of such excessive representation.

It should have recalled that Initially, President Museveni had designated Vice President Jessica Alupo to represent Uganda at the UNGA. However, Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja surfaced with another delegation of her own, swelling the number of officials representing Uganda to a staggering 71. This decision has not only caused diplomatic confusion but also headaches for the hosts.

Addressing a Press Conference at Parliament recently,Nkunyingi says its alarming to learn that Uganda’s  Ministry of Foreign Affairs was sued as a conduit to send 71-person uncoordinated delegation.

He says this is an unjustifiable team plus their spouses to receive a business class ticket, per-diem and other travel benefits at the expense of poor Uganda tax payers.

He says there is no UN Assembly where a Minister is allowed to sit with his or her spouse.

He noted that that if they take their spouses, they are supposed to pay for the hotel from their pockets not from the taxpayers money.

Nkunyingi observed that  big-junk of funds that was spent on uninvited Ugandan delegation would have been used to assist in repatriating stranded Ugandans in the Middle East or boosting service delivery within Uganda  in the sectors of infrastructures  or  Ministry Of health.

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