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The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Co-operatives, in partnership with Uganda Co-operative Alliance Ltd has launched the steering committee for the Establishment of the National Co-operative Bank today, August 1, 2023, at Famers House (the Head Office of the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Co-operatives), Kampala, starting at 10:00 a.m.
Launching of Uganda Cooperative Alliance by the Minister of State for Trade, Industry and Cooperatives (Cooperatives) – Hon.Fredrick Ngobi (second right),his Senior Minister Hon.Mwebesa (R) and the General Secretary of Uganda Cooperative Alliance Mr.Asiimwe.Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.
The establishment of the National Co-operative Bank is conceptualised to cater for tailoring services for the cooperative Movement and also act as the exit plan for the Parish Development Model.

Launching of Uganda Cooperative Alliance by the Minister of State for Trade, Industry and Cooperatives (Cooperatives) – Hon.Fredrick Ngobi .Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.

Launching of Uganda Cooperative Alliance by the Minister of State for Trade, Industry and Cooperatives (Cooperatives) – Hon.Fredrick Ngobi .Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.
The committee is made up of seven institutions each contributing 2 makers making them 14 members.The institutions include; Uganda Co-operative Alliance Ltd, Ministry of Trde, Industry anf Co-operatives, Walimu Co-operative Union, Wazalendo SACCO, Parliamentary SACCO, Uganda Central Co-operative Financial Services (UCCFS) and Uganda Cooperative Savings and Credit Union Limited (UCSCU).

 Uganda Co-operative Alliance Ltd General Secretary/Ceo Mr. Ivan Asiimwe delivers his remarks during the launch Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.

Uganda Co-operative Alliance Ltd General Secretary/Ceo Mr. Ivan Asiimwe delivers his remarks during the launch Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.

Uganda Co-operative Alliance Ltd General Secretary/Ceo Mr. Ivan Asiimwe delivers his remarks during the launch Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.

Hon.Austin reading  the proposed terms and conditions of the Bank for those to use the bank.
Photo by Ronald Kabuubi/KMA Updates.
The collaboration between Uganda Cooperative Alliance Ltd. (UCA) and the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Co-operatives is aimed at providing the establishment of the National Co-operative Bank, which will ease access to affordable and appropriate financing for Co-operatives in all sectors and walks of life.
It is the Convergence Bank that will introduce 39% of Ugandans who are outside the Money economy to the Money economy since they are referred to as risky by commercial banks.