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Hon. Members, having listened to debate today and following our earlier decision of April 20th 2023 and May 18th 2023, on this subject matter of UGX 1bn additional funding to our 135 districts, 10 Cities and 31 Municipalities for road maintenance but not rehabilitation, by resolution of this Parliament, I wish to further guide and direct as follows:
i) The name of the grant be changed from the Road rehabilitation Development Grant to Road maintenance Grant
ii) This grant be managed under Uganda Road Fund, 2008 and all regulations there-under.
iii) For the avoidance of any doubt, the UGX 1bn is in addition to the prior budgetary allocation for road maintenance to Districts, Cities and Municipalities and as such the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development should ensure its full disbursement to the beneficiary administrative units.
iv) Districts, Cities and Municipalities are duty bound to ensure prudent and accountable utilization of the disbursed funds in line with approved guidelines under the Uganda Road Fund Act 2008
v) All Districts, Cities and Municipalities are hereby directed to immediately hold statutory meetings as provided for under the Uganda Road Fund Act, 2008 in order to prioritize and devise work plans.
vi) The work plans for each District, City and Municipality must be duly approved by the respective roads committees. This shall equally apply to the accountability reports.
vii) For emphasis, Hon. Members, I implore you to fully participate in all activities of your roads Committees.
viii) Districts, Cities and Municipalities are accordingly directed to comply, failure of which will attract sanctions under the Laws of Uganda
ix) The Clerk is hereby directed to extract and circulate these resolutions to the Minister of Works and Transport, the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Uganda Road Fund and all Districts, Cities and Municipalities.
All photos by Eric Dominic Bukenya/Office Of the Speaker
Rt.Hon.Anita Among presiding over the house 27th July,2027.
Honourable: Leader Of Opposition in Parliament Mathias Mpuuga Nsamba contributing to the house. .Photo by Eric Dominic Bukenya/Office Of the Speaker.
Honourable: Leader Of Opposition in Parliament Mathias Mpuuga Nsamba contributing to the house. .Photo by Eric Dominic Bukenya/Office Of the Speaker.
Honourables:Gonzanga Sewungu and Mbatekamwa.Photo by Eric Dominic Bukenya/Office Of the Speaker.
Honourables: Leader Of Opposition in Parliament Mathias Mpuuga Nsamba and his deputy Gonzanga Sewungu and Mbatekamwa.Photo by Eric Dominic Bukenya/Office Of the Speaker.
Honourables: Leader Of Opposition in Parliament Mathias Mpuuga Nsamba and his deputy Gonzanga Sewungu and Mbatekamwa.Photo by Eric Dominic Bukenya/Office Of the Speaker.
Honourable Semujju Nganda listening to a colleague.Photo by Eric Dominic Bukenya/Office Of the Speaker.
Hon.Members attending the house.
Hon.Members attending the house.
Honourable Semujju Nganda following the proceedings. Next to him is Hon.Elijah Okupa.Photo by Eric Dominic Bukenya/Office Of the Speaker.
Honourable Musasizi and Hon.David Bahati listening attentively.Photo by Eric Dominic Bukenya/Office Of the Speaker.
Hon.Teddy Nambooze and Hon.Shamim Malende of Kampala district in the house.
Hon.Teddy Nambooze and Hon.Shamim Malende of Kampala district in the house.