
The Executive Director KCCA, Dorothy Kisaka, yesterday led the Parliamentary Committee on a tour of the controversial Kisenyi land belonging to one Muwonge

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The Executive Director KCCA, Dorothy Kisaka, yesterday led the Parliamentary Committee on a tour of the controversial Kisenyi land belonging to one Muwonge

The team led by Chairman Joel Senyonyi included Hon.Okupa, Hon. Bwindi, Hon.Itungu, Hon. Hon. Nekesa and others were not dettered by the early morning rain. The team was accompanied by the senior management of KCCA all dressed in KCCA branded jackets

On visiting Kisenyi land where the street vendors have settled, the team was received with loud cheers by the vendors who were praising the city administrators for getting them a trading space. They toured the stalls and navigated the muddy ponds. Hon. Senyonyi informed the vendors that they are focused on ensuring that there is value for money and that there is a clean title of the land with no claimants. He assured them that they would not be evicted from the land.

Kisaka said the city administration is concerned about getting a trading space for the street vendors and decongesting the streets.

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