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The looming iron sheets saga has left many ministers without answers as to what the allocated relief items were spent on.
It is alleged that the Minister for Karamoja Affairs, Maria Goretti Kitutu together with other senior government officials failed to explain the whereabouts of relief items that she was to distribute, that was reportedly found at her relatives’ homes in Namisindwa where she is the district Woman MP.
According by to the Permanent Secretary in the office of the Prime minister Keith Muhakanizi ,the Iron sheets were to be distributed to various vulnerable households, interest groups, institutions (churches, schools, mosques, health centers.
Documents that we have so far seen, and information from highly impeccable sources reveal that only Speaker Anita Among had acknowledged receipt of the items and had been dispatched to Kajamaka primary school, Kadacar primary school in Kangole and Kalou primary school in Teso sub region.

Schools receive iron sheets that were allocated to Speaker Among
Our attempts to get a comment from other beneficiaries hit a snag because our of numerous unanswered calls .
Karamoja Parliamentary Group early this month petitioned Speaker Among asking for a forensic audit on both the procurement and distribution on relief items.
In their petition ,they also condemned the impunity of the ministers in the ministry of Karamoja affairs.