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According to the State Minister for Sports, Hon Hamson Obua, the residents were aware that it was government land preserved for the stadium, before they settled on it.
“Mandela National Stadium sits on titled land in the names of Mandela National Stadium Limited. As of now, there is no budget line for a resettlement plan unless Government guides otherwise,” said Obua.
He added that the Ministry of Education and Sports will consult the Attorney General over the matter.
In a sitting on Wednesday, 08 February 2022, Deputy Speaker Anita Among commended the minister for clarifying on the land ownership and further requested him to clarify on the progress of works at the stadium.
“The land belongs to government. The only thing we need to do is find out how we can get these people out and resettle them. What they are doing is trespassing,” said Among.
Hon Silas Aogon (Indep., Kumi Municipality) expressed concern over government’s failure to stop the settlement of people on land that does not belong to them.
“Who bears the burden of compensation? Even when we are constructing roads, the same thing is happening. Government should be there to keep people out of these road reserves,” said Aogon.
“Since the construction is already ongoing, has government told these people to leave and are they leaving immediately? These occupants are illegal,” reiterated Hon Solomon Silwany (NRM, Bukooli County Central)
Obua told the House that there was evidence to show that several notices of vacant possession of the land had been served to the residents by the management of the stadium.
“Since the works began, apart from the matter being raised in Parliament, we have not received any formal complaint, and the fencing of the land has not affected any resident. We are simply fencing land that belongs to us,” said the minister.
“The Certificate of Title under the laws of Uganda is conclusive evidence of ownership. Whoever is inside this land is being fenced inside not outside,” he added.
Obua said phase one of works have already began with fencing the 4.1km and 120 acres of land belonging to the stadium, where the works are being executed by the UPDF Engineering Brigade.
He also said that under phase two, the UPDF Engineering Brigade will embark on the renovation and upgrade of the stadium, whose commencement will be anchored in the full release of funding required for Mandela National Stadium which has been approved by Cabinet and Parliament.
“Out of a budget of Shs97 billion, only shs5 billion has been released. Under the MOU, the Ministry of Defence and Veteran Affairs represented by UPDF Engineering Brigade has been paid Shs3.8 billion for the fencing,” revealed Obua