
Financial Intelligence Authority Ushers in new Board of Directors.

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By Julius Mugaga/KMA Updates.

Kampala, Uganda: Uganda’s Financial Intelligence Authority has sworn in and inaugurated a new Board of Directors.

Hon. Matia Kasaija, Minister of Finance (in yellow tie) left is Mr. Alinaffe Kalule Chairman Board of Directors Financial Intelligence Authority, Right is Justice Pamela Ochaya- Deputy Registrar of Anti-Corruption Court and other Members of Board.

Hon. Matia Kasaija Minister of Finance Planning and Economic Development with Board of Directors of Financial Intelligence Authority yesterday at Ministry of Finance Secretariat.

Uganda’s ministry of finance sister Authority “Financial Intelligence Authority” that is mandated to oversee the proper financial transaction within and between Uganda and other countries on Wednesday ushered in a new Board.

The new Board has replaced the Authority’s pioneer Board that had run the Authority for six years (3 years as pioneer and other 3 years as official).

Mr. Alinaffe Kalule has sworn in as the Chairman Board of Directors of Financial intelligence Authority taking on from Mr. Leo Kibirango and promised to uphold the mandate of the Board in the Authority to achieve its intended goals.

Others were Mrs. Ritah Balaka Mitala,            Rtd. Maj. Odomaro Manyire, Mr. Titus Mulindwa and Charles Ogwal.

Mr. Leo Kibirango hands over to Mr. Alinaffe Kalule as the new Chairman Board of Directors of Financial Intelligence Authority.


Mr. Alinaffe Kalule sworn in by Hon. Justice Pamela Ochaya, Deputy Registrar of Anti- Corruption Court.

Mr. Leo Kibirango, the Outgoing Board of Directors of Financial Intelligence Authority converses with Minister Matia Kasaija after the function.

Mr. Leo Kibirango the outgoing Board Chairperson has applauded his team as they have managed to save Uganda from dropping to the blacklist in financial transaction, finalizing and implementing recommendations of national risk assessment for Uganda.

The handover of the outgoing board and swearing in of the new one was presided over by the Deputy Registrar of the Anti-Corruption Court Hon. Justice Pamela Ochaya.

She called on the newly sworn-in Board members to be the chain and blocks of national development and fight financial faults, refer to their cardinal mandate of their duty and always consult for smart decision making.

Hon. Matia Kasaija, Minister of Finance Planning and Economic Development giving his remarks during the swearing in ceremony of Financial Intelligence Authority new Board of Directors.

As the Chief Guest, Hon. Matia Kasaija-Uganda’s Minister of Finance Planning and Economic Development, hinted on the nineteen recommendations of forty that the Outgoing Board has not accomplished that must be focused on by the installed board.

He asked the Board to put their focus on implementation of action plan to get the country out of the fatal grey area to have safer financial transactions in the country.

Hon. Minister Matia Kasaija on around table with the new Board of Directors of Financial Intelligence Authority.

He went on to compel the new Board to localize the mandate of the Authority as it seems to be inferior to the countryside yet it is doing a great role in countering Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing.

Mr. Sydney Asubo, Executive Director of Financial Intelligence Authority taking questions from Journalists during the inaugural and swearing in ceremony of the new Board of Directors. 

Sydney Asubo the Executive Director of the Authority has informed that as the Authority, they have managed to be compliant on eleven areas and largely compliant on seven of the twenty one areas where they are okay.

And that they have managed to be compliant on eleven areas and eight largely compliant of the nineteen where they are not okay.

Other Members of Board of Financial Intelligence Authority seen in stands during the inaugural and swearing in ceremony of the new Board of Directors.

Asubo highlighted that the new Board is to put focus on enforcing the UN Security Council regulation against financing weapons of massive destruction, carrying out risk assessment, transparency and beneficial ownership of  legal persons, regulation and supervision of financial institutions, submitting progress report every six months as in the report submitted.






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