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Addressing Ugandans living in Europe and America who to travelled to the Vatican to witness as His Grace Paul Ssemogerere received his Pallium from Pope Francis, Mpuuga said that Uganda needs to draw lessons from Italy which preserved its history to act as reminders of their past mistakes.
“We need to avoid living in denial to solve the current challenges and build for the future generations,” Mpuuga said.
The Ugandan pilgrims travelled from the US, Denmark, Germany and Portugal where joined by those living and studying in Italy as well as those from Kampala Archdiocese.
Archbishop Ssemogerere was among the 44 metropolitan archbishops who received from Pope Francis, the pallium – a liturgical vestment for archbishops that symbolises their union with the Pope. It is also a symbol of authority for the Archbishops.
The blessing of the pallia happened during the Pontifical Mass of the feast day of Saints Peter and Paul at St Peter’s Basilica, Rome.