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FUFA has a deliberate strategy to take the game to the masses in what is termed as Mass Football. To achieve this, infrastructure is a key component in the FUFA strategic plan for the period 2021-2025.
Several individuals, institutions and Government agencies have of late made efforts to set up football facilities, stadiums, Futsal, 5-aside and 7-aside pitches.
However, FUFA has noticed with concern that there are challenges with the way the facilities are constructed without consideration of the minimum standards.

FUFA CEO, Edgar Watson while addressing the media on Tuesday morning at FUFA House in Mengo, indicated that the Federation will start an initiative to engage different stakeholders on how best to set up football facilities.
‘FUFA appreciates that different individuals and institutions are setting up football facilities across the country. However, we have noted that whereas construction is going on, most of the people behind this are making technical mistakes especially during construction’ noted the FUFA CEO.
‘We wish to call upon such investors to contact FUFA for free technical advice and guidance towards construction of such pitches if they are to host official matches and competitions in future’ added Watson.

The FUFA CEO highlighted some of the basic guidelines that many private stadium owners tend to neglect yet very important.
‘There are basic guidelines that private owners do not consider and emphasise on for instance, direction of the sunlight, emergency exits and measurements for the pitch, technical bench and bounce of the ball among others’
With the aforementioned challenges, FUFA has appealed to different stakeholders to reach out for technical advice.